King Kenneth MacAlpin
Research Grant
This grant will be awarded by the Order of Alba for two different types of research:
Research into Scottish history. This does not need to be part of a degree granting program, but should be directed toward publication. The applicant must provide:
Contact information
Personal background
Academic background
Publication references
Description of the research work to be done, including prior related research, and proposed follow on research, if any
Publication plans
Letters of recommendation
Archeology research in Scotland. Preference will be given to projects organized by recognized Scottish charities, and to projects directed toward publication. The applicant must provide:
Contact information for the project
Personal background of the major participants in the project
Academic background of the major participants in the project
Publication references for the project
Description of the research work to be done, including prior related research, and proposed follow on research, if any
Publication plans for the project
Letters of recommendation
Applications should be submitted electronically to They must be received by January 31st. Grant awards will be announced at the annual meeting of the Order of Alba in April in Washington D.C. The amount of the grant will typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. However, the amount of the grants, and the number of grants awarded, may vary from year to year.
The first award could have taken place on April 12, 2016, but did not, due to a lack of applications.